– Three story limit service 89 room wood frame hotel that used to be XXX Hotel and converted as Independent hotel from 2012 . .
– SITE AREA: 2.42 Acres
ZONING: C 1 Central Commercial District
REVENUE(Yearend December 31 ) 2022 : $1,975,869, 2023 : $2,856,403
2024 till September: $2,040,349
NET OPERATING INCOME 2022: $931,975, 2023: $1,641,247
- The Town of xxxxxxxx is located some 250 KM Northeast of the City of Edmonton, and the town has a population of approximately 6,700 and trading area of some 28,000. XXXXXXXXX has the third largest population base of any Alberta municipality north of Edmonton. Its economy has been driven throughout the past three decades by the Oil& Gas and Forest industries. In a continuing effort to diversify the economy, XXXXXXXX is encouraging increases in the tourism, manufacturing, and value-added sectors. In addition, XXXXXXXXX is further evolving into an even greater regional service centre, with additional retail, education, health, financial, government, and transportation services. Enterprising men and women recognize the almost unlimited potential for growth and spin-off business in the primary industries of petroleum and forestry, along with burgeoning activity in tourism.