Canada Commercial Realty


Car Wash with 4 tenants in Big city AB

Views: 1333

Listing Serial No.





DESCRIPTION:                       The subject’s immediate neighbor is former airport to the north and the airport lands are to be redeveloped by Blatchford Development in Edmonton into mixed used area. Blatchford is 536 acres (that’s roughly the same size as current downtown) in the heart of Edmonton. This site provides good access and good exposure. DETAIL DESCRIPTION OF CAR WASH – 11 wand wash , 2 Auto bay , 1 Detail and 2 Tenants; – 2 Auto bays were installed in January 2019; – The tenant of C Store operates Detail shop and share the profit 50% each which is about $1,500/m; – The tenant of C store works as a staff from 7 AM to 9 AM and works after 6 PM till close with $850/m. – Needs only1 staff for the operation. LEASE DETAIL Lease detail : – Convenience Store & U Haul Tenant ($2,300/m), – Used Car dealer shop ($1,200/m) – Hair salon start from October ( 5 year & 5 year option, 1st year : $1,400/m, 2nd : $1,500, 3rd : $1,600/m) – 1 vacant place will be leased out from October 1st to music recording Company($800/m).



          Needs only 1 person  for the  operation




SITE AREA:                                      Land :0.74 Acres, Building :12,000Sqft



ZONING:                                           CB-2 General Business Zone 



AGE:                                                  2005, Added 2 Auto bay in  January 2019                                                                                          




REVENUE:                                        2020 : $563,498       2019:$560,623


                                                            2021 Projection      :  $653,657    


Revenue comparison (2020 & 2021 for 6 months  car wash only)


                                                    2020          2021               Diff         %                 2021 Projection


                                               $272,927,  $317,452          $44,525  16.31 %           $653,657




NOI                                         2020 :  $309,157, 2021 Projection :  $358,600






SUMMARY                                     The subject’s immediate neighbour is former airport to the north and the airport lands are to be redeveloped by City of XXXXX  into mixed used area.


This site provides good access and good exposure. Once developed the former airport area this car wash will be great asset.                                                                                 






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    I agree that such information will be held in strict confidence, that all matters concerning the a aforementioned property will be handled through Maxwell Canyon Creek Realty Francis Lee, that I will not approach or attempt to deal with the owners or employees either directly or indirectly.

    I agree not to disclose any of the information given in connection herewith, either directly, or indirectly, to third parties, except direct support people; nor will I use, or assist others to use, any such information for competitive trade purpose or to circumvent Maxwell Canyon Creek Realty in any transaction or contact with the Seller(s). I agree not to make copies any of the material provided and to return all of it if I discontinue interest in the Business. The material and information furnished is believed to be reliable for the purpose of evaluating the business.
    Further, I agree that all inquires, investigations, negotiations, offers to purchase, and/or letters of intent must be made through Maxwell Canyon Creek Realty Francis Lee. I agree to protect and not disclose the confidentiality of the information I receive permanently, even if I choose not to purchase the said business or property.

    I agree that any breach of the Confidential Agreement (the “Agreement”), directly or indirectly, will be harmful to the Seller(s) and Maxwell Canyon Creek Realty . In consideration for the information given, I agree that the laws of Alberta will govern this Agreement and that all actions that may arise in law and or equity shall be brought in Alberta.

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